

Paul Koncewicz is an avid photographer who was born in Poland in 1983 and moved to Germany in the early 1990s. At the beginning of his studies he discovered his interest in portrait photography and especially in subject-space relationships. Contrary to the documentary style at his training facility, the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Paul developed his own, unmistakable style that wants to entertain the viewer, but also to challenge and captivate his gaze. This can be seen particularly well in his long-term work on his family, which is divided into two countries – Germany and Poland – which he made the main topic of his diploma thesis in 2012. The large-scale project includes archive recordings, documentary elements and, above all, staged images and was laid out in two books. For this diploma he was awarded the prestigious BFF Award in 2013. Paul lives in Hamburg since 2010, works as an editorial and portrait photographer, as an assistant and producer. His current long-term project shows LGBTQ + people in Poland who are suffering from repression by the current government and hostility to homophobic compatriots.

With his ongoing photo project “I am not an ideology”, Paul Koncewicz portrays a total of 150 Polish LGBTQIA+ persons. He does this in their homes, the only safe place they seem to have left. But he does not consciously portray them as victims, but as ordinary people.

Paul Koncewicz Portrait
Paul Koncewicz

Pride Photo Award

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Pride Photo Award 2022

Exhibition Selection