Say Their Names

This series documents locations where transgender people, typically transgender women of colour, have been murdered. The images grew out of a parallel project, Transcending Love, which is a series of portraits celebrating the beauty of transgender people, gender non-conforming couples and families.
Photographer website
Transgender personen
Emancipatie van transgender personen is nog hard nodig. Er bestaat veel onbekendheid over deze groep mensen. Dit veroorzaakt vooroordelen en discriminatie, wat zich uit in pesterijen, beledigingen, maar ook geweld. 43% van de transgender personen in Nederland maakt jaarlijks (discriminatoir) geweld mee. Slechts in 15% van de gevallen wordt aangifte gedaan.
De laatste jaren is er meer aandacht voor transgender personen. Zo komen In de media steeds vaker transgender-personen voor of gaan onderwerpen op radio, televisie of in de printmedia er specifiek over. Daarnaast is de politiek ook hard bezig met het versterken van de juridische positie. Toch is de T (transgender) nog een relatief onderbelichte groep binnen de LHBTQ+ gemeenschap. Er is bijvoorbeeld relatief weinig bekend over de sociaalmaatschappelijke positie van deze groep.
Volgens Transgender Netwerk Nederland spelen spelen er in de groep diverse problemen, door een complex samenspel van maatschappelijke en individuele factoren. Zaken als een gebrek aan sociale steun, weinig weerbaarheid en negatieve opvattingen over het eigen trans-zijn spelen hierbij een belangrijke rol. Ander groot probleem daarbij zijn de hardnekkige ideeën over het lichaam en over geslacht die in de samenleving breed aanwezig zijn. Die maken de vooroordelen moeilijker te bestrijden. Duurzame acceptatie van alle transgender personen kan daarom alleen slagen in een gender diverse samenleving.
Meer informatie, check de website van Transgender Netwerk Nederland

White Rock Lake, Dallas Texas, where the body of 26 year old Chynal Lindsey, a transgender woman of colour, was found floating on June 1, 2019.

Parking lot of the former Fern Valley Hotel where the body of Papi Edwards, a 20 years old transgender woman of colour, was found in 2015.

Murder site of Tonya Harvey, a transgender woman of color. Shepard St, 100 block, Buffalo, NY

Vicky Gutierrez, 33 years old, a transgender latina woman, was stabbed in her home, which was then set on fire in 2018.

Schuykill River, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania near Bartrams Garden Boathouse. This is the site where Dominique Rem’mie Fells’s body was found, dismembered and floating in a suitcase. 2020

Corner of Red Bud & Brandon St., Houston, Texas, where the body of 26 year old Brandi Seals was found. She had been shot.

Corner where 34 year old Shante Thompson, a transgender woman of color, and her friend were beaten with crowbars and clubs before being stabbed and shot in 2016.

Driveway where the body of Briana Fowler, a transgender woman, was found, next to her car with a bullet in the back of her head in 2014.

Convenience store parking lot. The body of Tracy (Single) Williams, 22 years old, a transgender woman of color, was found with a “puncture wound” and several lacerations, allegedly inflicted by a man she was dating.

Alley way in the Bronzeville neighborhood of Chicago where the body of De’Janay Stanton, a transgender woman of color, was found with a gunshot wound to the head. 2018
Transgender people
Emancipation for transgender people is still very much needed, as there can still be a lot of ignorance or lackof understanding about this group of people. This can unfortunately cause prejudice and discrimination, which can manifests itself in bullying, insults, and also violence. In the Netherlands, 43% of transgender people experience (discriminatory) violence every year, yet only 15% of these cases are reported.
Over the past few years there has been a lot more media attention paid to transgender people and the issues they face; online, on the radio, on television, and in print media. Additionally, politicians are working hard to strengthen the legal position of transgender people and offer them greater rights in society. Despite this, the T (transgender) are still a relatively underexposed group within the LGBTQ+ community, relatively little is known about the social position
According to Transgender Netwerk Nederland, various problems are at play due to a complex interplay of social and individual factors. This can be things like a lack of social support, low resilience, or negative thoughts about one’s own (trans)gender identity. Another major problem is the persistent ideas about the body and about gender that are widely held in society, which can make prejudice more difficult to combat, and getting acceptance a challenge. If society is to achieve long-term, sustainable acceptance for all transgender people, we need to work hard to create a more gender-diverse society, where people of all genders can live comfortably.
For more information, check the website of Transgender Netwerk Nederland.