
In Kigali, B., transexual and transvestite opens the shutter of her room of this tiny house. Her livelihood comes from prostitution, and often takes different narcotics which help her to cope with her marginalised existence

During a party in the lounge of a girlfriend’s house, C. dances while sipping a Primus, while A. watches upon them. The two friends survive in Kigali thanks to prostitution as it is extremely difficult or even impossible to find a job as soon as you are identified as LGBT. “I don’t sleep with anyone for money but for pleasure. This is what makes me feel good. But if one pays me, why should I refuse?”

Duchesse, an activist of the LGBTI community in Bujumbura meditates on the grave of Georges Kanuma, an ardent defender of LGBTI+ causes, who dies because of AIDS on 14 April 2010, he was 38. He is one of the people who gave courage to the majority of Burundian gays to come out of the closet.

Bilal and Queen Jimmy, two gay friends, squabble with each other in the room that one of their friends rents somewhere in Bujumbura. Regularly, they gather between friends to talk, to confide, to hatch plans and projects, out of idle onlooker’s sight.

Kampala. During a solidarity day with endangered populations (sexual workers in particular), Pepe Julian Onziema, a pillar of the LGBTI Community in Uganda, speaks to members of the Community, before a table where candles have be lighten in tribute to the departed for the cause. Pepe is a transgender man (biologically born a woman).

A young LGBTI person sleeps in the house of a friend, a room in an-out-of-the-way area in Kampala. He comes from Mbarara where he escaped death by a hair’s breadth. On each of his shoulders, one can see the scars, marks of the beatings made with boards pierced by long nails.

Some young LBGTI+ men attending a party following the health talk and transexual awareness day, the 2nd day of Pride Week. This is organised every year in early August, somewhere in Kampala.

In the backstage are of the election of Miss Pride 2015, the competitiors are getting ready. This is held in a bar somewhere in Kampala, during the Pride Week in early August.

Miss Pride and Mister Pride 2015 election, in a Gay-friendly bar in Kampala, during the Pride week, and organised a year since a law requiring homosexuals to be jailed for life was overturned by the Constitutional Court of Uganda as the quorum was not reach in the National Assembly. Backstage, transgender contestants and male competitor get ready for their first catwalk in front of the jury and the public.

LGBTI+ march during the Gay Pride rally, a year since a law requiring homosexuals to be jailed for life was overturned by the Constitutional Court of Uganda.