Pride Photo Award is an annual international photo contest for photos about sexual and gender diversity

Pride Photo at Amsterdam

The Pride Photo 2024 Exhibition moved to a new location, now on display at Oosterpark – Amsterdam until the 26th of July.
A special thanks to Stadsdeel Oost and BIZ Oosterpark.

Winners of the Pride Photo Award 2024

The members of the jury unanimously selected the winners of the Pride Photo Award 2024

Winner Single Image
Invisible by Alexis

Winner Series
I Remember Everything by Julie Sundberg

The Pride Photo Juries

Each year we invite a prestigious independent Jury Panel to review the contest.

2024 Jury
Previous Juries

Previous Editions

Since 2011, Pride Photo has hosted an annual international photography contest, dedicated to showcasing LGBTQIA+ stories, identities and visual languages.
Each edition consists of two categories, and an overall winner from each is selected by the year’s independent Jury Panel, and Guest Curator.

Discover more about our previous editions:

2023 Edition All Previous Editions

Photography by Martin Wannam