Şener Yılmaz Aslan


Aslan studied industrial design and photography at the Marmara University School of Fine Arts. Starting from 2007, his interest in photography began to grow as he started to capture on camera a variety of topics including social upheavals, woman and LGBTI+ rights, state violence, urban paradoxes and work routines. He does not digitally enhance the photographs he shoots for documenting purposes, but he sometimes uses software to edit some of his other photographs.

He created the photography series Tavaf (Circumambulation) for his diploma project, winning the privilege of being presented in the exhibitions of Rotary Art competition (2014) and Mammoth Art Project (2016).

His documentary works have been published by various media outlets including Paris Match, The Times, and Aksiyon.

Şener Yilmaz Aslan
Şener Yilmaz Aslan

Pride Photo Award

Previous Submissions

Şener Yılmaz Aslan Refugee Trans Guest House 10

Pride Photo Award 2020

Exhibition Selection Stories